Sunday, October 7, 2012

it's fall, y'all!

hey guys! i am so happy today because the cool front FINALLY came through!  so here i am, this morning, drinking my coffee and blogging :)
life has been pretty great lately even though clinicals have been increasing my anxiety lately.  i had my rotation in the ED this past week and it was awesome!  i even conquered my fear and started an IV on someone! i even obtained a blood specimen! it took a lot out of me to finally cross that off of my "to do" list.  during our dinner break before we actually went on the floor, i took my blood pressure and saw that it was 120/94! that second number is pretty high for me! and my pulse was 110 at rest! talk about an, of course, knew the was mr. anxiety knocking at my door and i was trying so hard not to let him in!!!! well, in clinicals the day before, mr. anxiety barged in and decided to make my chest and face fire red when helping out a nurse who was starting an IV on a toddler...i was so nervous and under pressure i had trouble opening a package up for the nurse because of those stupid blue gloves (large is too big and medium is too small..i can't win!) well i am happy my hands don't shake or anything when i am nervous...i just turn people think i am sunburned.  lol.
any-WHOO, it's fall, y'all and i am excited, once again, about this weather and also something else.....
PUMPKIN flavored EVERYTHING! haha.  its great because usually pumpkin flavored stuff isn't too high in fat (i'm trying to start some healthy habits by eating right and exercising more..but who isn'!)
here is the first pumpkin of the season:
omg this bread has been part of my breakfast this whole week!  its so yummy when drinking my coffee in the morning and its only 80 cals a slice!